Networked Systems
The Computer Networks Group researches and develops distributed infrastructure for secure communication and computation at all levels of the networking stack. Our past activities include work on sensor networks, autonomic operations of networks, bio- and chemically-inspired networking, as well as mobile code. Currently our main focus is on survivable computing.

Small villages maintain "commons" like grazing land to which all farmers send their cows, benefitting from shared management (shepherd) and sustainable operations (rotating the grazing patches). In modern computing environment, it seems that we have to reinterpret this concept for defending our computational needs (cows grazing) where some landlords (cloud providers and smartphone manufacturers) see themselves in a position to selectively deny access to the offered resources (deplatforming). Our research on "survivable computing" explores means to guarantee successul and secure computation under extremely dystopic conditions where the computation power of individuals are quite limited (up to being non-existent) and all the computations take place in a controlled environment by a possibly hostile authority. Our research here combines various aspects of distributed computing, cryptography, software engineering, and obfuscation techniques. For a detailed information, check the page "Research".

Open Positions
Currently, we do not have any open positions. Please get in touch with the respective group member via email to apply for a student project or a masters degree.